Welga Clinic Integrated Functional Medicine Center for Water Treatment and Spine and Joint Care at Seolleung Station

Welga Clinic Integrated Functional Medicine Center for Water Treatment and Spine and Joint Care at Seolleung Station

Hello, this is Welga Clinic Integrated Functional Medicine Center, which is trying to overcome your pain and health concerns together.A high proportion of visitors to the main hospital for water treatment at Seollung Station are pain problems caused by herniated discs. In the past, disc herniation was classified as a degenerative disease caused by aging, but now it is an age-related disease. This is because disc herniation occurs in relatively young people due to injuries, incorrect posture, and accidents caused by exercise.

disc herniation, also known as intervertebral disc herniation

Our spine is connected to several bones, and the discnia of these bones, and the discnia of the bone.The disk is the middle of 80 percent water, such as jelly, and the fiber frame is wrapped in the middle of 80 percentage of water nuclear weapons.Disk is often a spring.It is fixed to the spine, and protect the role that the spine is not only pressed, and the role of the spine is not only pressed to each other.This is because of these disks are caused by aging, because of the aging of the blood is decreasing elasticity.Because of the inner nuclear, the disciplex is a disc her mother’s mother’s mother’s neck, the spinal cord that is being separated from the path.However, the disk is to talk about the injury or bad posture, and it may be pushed from the original location and stimulates nerves.

The pain is caused by a disc that is removed from its original position pushing the nerve. The characteristic of herniated intervertebral disc is pain not only in the lower back but also in the legs. Foot pain is mainly caused by numbness or pulling, which can dull the sensation of the feet or make them sensitive.The pain caused by hernia of the intervertebral disk makes daily life inconvenient, so water treatment at Seolleung Station is required.

pain that can only be improved by accurate diagnosisOur hospital has a director of neurosurgery specialist with more than 30 years of experience. An accurate diagnosis is the most basic condition of frequency therapy that can relieve the pain of herniated discs. As such, the ability of a neurosurgeon with extensive clinical experience is important with all the equipment necessary for testing. Our medical diagnosis has all those conditions and can produce better treatment effects.Seollung Station’s prescription treatment is conducted by a prescription therapist with more than 10 years of experience through the most basic and reliable medical diagnosis in our hospital, so you can trust it and come to the hospital.Without medication or surgery, treat herniated disksThe frequency is the meaning of one’s bare hands.It is a person to promote treatment through the physical therapy.The treatment of many vertebrates used in America, Canada, Canada, Canada, Canada, Canada, Canada, Canada, Canada, Canada, Canada, Canada, Canada, Canada and Australia.The carrier of the physical therapy of physics therapy, is easy to be a simple reason.The condition of becoming a person who is necessary to study anatomical knowledge and physiological knowledge.The excellent hand therapy must be configured by doctors to patients with medical diagnosis.Therefore, we have experienced many pain cases and create a lot of pain.The patient with more than 10 years or more career in the hospital, and the inconvenience of patients.The patient treatment is directly stimulated by the hand of physical therapy and joints, and joints, and joints, and correct the distortioned parts of the deformed shape.This allows you to recover patients to recover the body and improve functionality and improve functionality.in addition to herniated intervertebral discsUnhand treatment is effective not only in chronic pain but also in correcting and treating motor disorders, postural abnormalities, and body deformities. It also helps relieve pain caused by abnormalities in muscles and nerves, including joints.Hand treatment is effective not only for disc herniation but also for other diseases in the lower back, lumbar sprain and scoliosis. It is also a manual treatment that produces meaningful results in the correction of neck disc herniation and turtle neck syndrome.The biggest advantage of Seolleung Station’s water treatment is that it can be customized 1:1 with a wide variety of technologies. And this kind of manual therapy can also help lymphatic and blood circulation and have a good effect on swelling caused by inflammation.in a place where electrical nerve-frequency therapy is available for the patient’s conditionOur hospital can make accurate diagnoses through neurosurgeons with more than 30 years of experience, and hand therapists with more than 10 years of experience can provide customized treatment, as well as electrical nerve therapy made with advanced medical technology if necessary.The advantage of electrical nerve frequency treatment is that it can manage deep pain as much as electricity is used. This not only restores muscle length, but also promotes circulation of blood vessels and lymph to reduce swelling. Our hospital is capable of basic electrical nerve treatment, ERT, electrical massage treatment, and APCT, electrical nerve treatment, and has in-vitro shock wave equipment to accurately deal with all possible pain.We will do our best to treat the mild pain of the visitor. Please feel free to consult and contact us anytime.Welga Clinic Reservations on 6F and 12F of JCS Tower 209 Bongeunsa-ro, Gangnam-gu, SeoulWelga Clinic Reservations on 6F and 12F of JCS Tower 209 Bongeunsa-ro, Gangnam-gu, SeoulWelga Clinic Reservations on 6F and 12F of JCS Tower 209 Bongeunsa-ro, Gangnam-gu, SeoulWelga Clinic Reservations on 6F and 12F of JCS Tower 209 Bongeunsa-ro, Gangnam-gu, SeoulWelga Clinic Reservations on 6F and 12F of JCS Tower 209 Bongeunsa-ro, Gangnam-gu, SeoulWelga Clinic Reservations on 6F and 12F of JCS Tower 209 Bongeunsa-ro, Gangnam-gu, SeoulWelga Clinic Reservations on 6F and 12F of JCS Tower 209 Bongeunsa-ro, Gangnam-gu, SeoulPrevious Image Next ImagePrevious Image Next ImagePrevious Image Next ImagePrevious Image Next ImagePrevious Image Next ImagePrevious Image Next Image

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